Issue #48 Has Been Released

Our Rumors issue has mailed out a little early. There are some wonderful stories here from people you well may know,

and some other folks you may not. Very cool photography by Alexis Rhone Fancher. 200 copies out the door, but we have some

extras, so subscribe please if you haven’t already. We are a great little publication, and subscribing brings you four issues, and a couple of surprises for not much money.

In Conversation with … Literary Journals

Something very nice came in. Big thanks to editors Isabelle Kenyon, and Charley Barnes. They chose 40 lit and poetry journals from around the world to include in their “In Conversation with … Literary Journals”. We are very pleased to say that Blink-Ink was selected. The interviewsare along the lines of say Jim Harrington and “Six Questions for-“. Fly on the Wall Press did a nice job with the production and publishing end of things. Many of the people and journals listed are unknown to us. Not just the UK or Australian ones, but the ones based here in the US as well. We are most honored and pleased to be included.

The “Moonlight” Issue Has Been Released

Issue #46, “Moonlight” has been mailed out. The issue has great writing, and equally great artwork. There are more copies available, so why not subscribe (or renew) before the January 1st 2022 price increase. Thanks to everyone who submitted their work, it make us wish we ran 100 pages rather that our usual 20. Soon we will have guidelines up for our next issue, and we hope to see you all there. Big things coming this year fro Blink-Ink, so watch out –