Blink-Ink Receives Fantastic Review and more

We are ecstatic after reading a very recent review of issue #30, the “Diner” issue of Blink-Ink.

Kat Haas at NewPages was kind enough to say some nice things about Blink-Ink and the issue in general, but more importantly she wrote her take (and praise) of individual writers and their work. That’s a really classy thing to do. We wish to thank Katy, Nicole, and everyone else at NewPages for this great review, and more importantly for what they do every day to promote our  indie press / small press community. Here is a link to the interview

The Review Review Reviews Blink-Ink

Recently The note worthy writers blog The Review Review did just that and did a review of Blink-Ink. It is most interesting to read how they perceive us, what the liked and what they didn’t. Special thanks to Joanne Spencer who wrote the article, and thanks to all staff members at The Review Review for their continued work to improve and enlighten in our world of independent press publication.  Well worth reading the article about Blink-Ink, and we recommend  you sign up for their free weekly newsletters.


Blink-Ink on WNPR

Today on Nation public radio there was a very good piece on flash fiction, and       Blink-Ink got a solid mention! Blink alums Paul Beckman, and Tom Hazuka were on the show as well as writers Meg Pokrass, Ben White (twitter fiction), and Rachael Fershleiser (6 word fiction). The show is archived online so you can hear the whole thing at, and find the Colin McEnroe show for 05.19.16. Thanks to everybody, and especially thanks to Tom and Paul.

Blink-Ink Dance Party !

We asked a double handful of Blink-Ink All Stars to put on their dancing shoes, bring records in from home, and share some very short stories. Rocky Mountain Revival was kind enough to host our podcast, so a very big thanks to Levi Andrew Noe who runs the show. We all hope you can find the time to listen, and if you like what you hear please vote for Levi’s show at iTunes podcasts. We are delighted to so many fine readers including Catfish McDaris, Nancy Stohlman, Meg Tuite, Jonathan Cardew, Jayne Martin, Gat detain, Paul Beckman, Sharon Coleman, Lynn Mundell, or very own Sally Reno, and I close out the show. Please take a listen, and tell us what you think so we can make the next one even better.  Check out our Dance Party!